Below is a definition of the implemented features mentioned in the general description of IT tools.

Access Control
Supports an access control mechanism that controls the maintenance and query privileges of users.

Access Control GUI
Supports the user in the maintenance and viewing of users and user privileges.

Category Scheme
Scheme made up of a hierarchy of categories, which may include any type of useful classification for the organization of data and metadata.

Code List
A predefined list from which some statistical coded concepts take their values.

Compact Schema Generation
Generation of an XML schema file for an SDMX-ML compact message.

Concept Scheme
Maintained list of concepts that are used in data structure definitions or metadata structure definitions. Structural definitions of both data and reference metadata associate specific statistical concepts with their representations, whether textual, coded, etc. In SDMX version 2.0, these concepts are taken from a “concept scheme” which is maintained by a specific agency. Concept schemes group a set of concepts, provide their definitions and names, and allow for semantic relationships to be expressed, when some concepts are specifications of others. It is possible for a single concept scheme to be used both for data structures and metadata structures.

Configure SDMX database based on DSD
This feature allows for a “self configuration” of an SDMX conformant database by providing it an SDMX DSD. This includes the population of the respective database tables such as “code lists”, “concepts”. etc.

Constraint Processing
Used mainly in web dissemination systems this feature takes a given set of dimension values and determines the valid options in the other dimensions based on SDMX constraint declarations. This avoids the user making selections that will return no data.

Create database with an SDMX conformant schema
Allows the creation of the required database structures and tables to store data received in the SDMX formats. Creation is based on SDMX structure information, ie a Data structure definition (DSD) with code lists, concepts etc.

Create metadata (report) templates
This feature allows users to create a metadata template relating to a specific metadata report. The actual information can then be entered (manually) into the template. (See also “Metadata authoring”.

Cross-sectional Schema Generation
Generation of an XML schema file for an SDMX-ML cross sectional data message.

Data authoring
This feature deals with creating valid SDMX data messages in a semi-automated way. Users will have the option to enter data into, for example, EXCEL or HTML pages and then run a process creating a valid SDMX data message in the desired format. This feature is mainly used for educational purposes to familiarise users with the SDMX formats. Alternatively, the tool may generate random data based on input parameters to define the scope of the randomisation.

A structure which describes, categorises and constrains the allowable content of a data set that providers will supply for different reference periods.

Data Query
Supports “Data Where” queries.

Data Query Resolution
Used mainly in web dissemination systems this feature takes a user data selection and creates an SDMX-ML query and to submit this to data source.

Data Structure Definition (DSD)
Set of structural metadata associated to a data set, which includes information about how concepts are associated with the measures, dimensions, and attributes of a data cube, along with information about the representation of data and related descriptive metadata.

Data Structure Maintenance
This feature deals with the maintenance (create, maintain, delete) of data structure definitions and their components (ie code lists, concept lists etc.). It includes functionality such as reporting about existing data structure definitions and relationships between them, eg report on use of specific code lists across concepts across data structure definitions. The users of these features are statistical experts working on organising data be defining data structures.

Export metadata reports from database via GUI
Allows the creation of metadata report outputs in various formats using a GUI connected to the SDMX conformant database. This is different from providng a web service.

Free Standing Concept
Concept that is not part of a Concept Scheme.

Graphical Data visualisation
A valid SDMX data message is visualised as a graph.

Hierarchical Code List
A Code List that contains a hierarchy, e.g. groups countries into continents.

HTML Transformation – DSD Specific Data Set
Transforms a DSD specific SDMX-ML data message (compact or cross-sectional) into an HTML file for viewing.

HTML Transformation – Generic Data Set
Transforms a generic SDMX-ML message (data set) into an HTML file for viewing.

HTML Transformation – Generic Metadata Set
Transforms a generic SDMX-ML message (metadata set) into an HTML file for viewing.

Load SDMX data files into SDMX database
Allows loading of a wellformed SDMX-ML data files into an SDMX conformant database that has knowledge of the DSD underlying the datafile.

Load metadata files into SDMX database
Allows the loading of metadata files (reports) into the SDMX conformant database.

Metadata authoring
This feature deals with creating valid SDMX meta data messages in a semi-automated way. Users will have the option to enter data into, for example, EXCEL and then run a process creating a valid SDMX meta data message in the desired format. This feature is may be used mainly for educational purposes to familiarise users with the SDMX formats, or it could be a production tool aimed at metadata providers.

Metadata Flow
A structure which describes, categorises and constrains the allowable content of a metadata set that providers will supply.

Metadata Query
Supports “metadata where” queries.

Metadata Structure Definition (DSD)
Set of structural metadata associated to a metadata set, which includes information about how concepts are associated with the metadata attributes, information about the representation of metadata, and to which objects the metadata can be attached.

Metadata structure maintenance
This feature deals with the maintenance (create, maintain, delete) of metadata structure definitions and their components (ie code lists, concept lists etc.). It includes functionality such as reporting about existing metadata structure definitions and relationships between them, eg report on use of specific code lists across concepts across data structure definitions. The users of these features are statistical experts working on organising data be defining metadata structures.

Organisation Scheme
Maintained list of organisations categorised by role – maintenance agency, data provider, data consumer. Such schemes play a pivotal role in the identity of organisations that maintain structural metadata, provide or report data and metadata, or act as a consumer of the data and metadata.

Description of the statistical processes of an organisation or community. The processes can be linked and can reference the inputs and outputs of the process.

Provisioning Metadata GUI
Supports the user in the maintenance and viewing of provisioning metadata.

Provisioning Repository
Supports the SDMX Registry Interface for submission and query of provisioning metadata.

Reference Metadata Query Resolution
This feature takes a user selection and creates an SDMX-ML query and to submit this to metadata source.

Supports the SDMX Registry Interface for submission and query of data and metadata source registration.

Registration GUI
Supports the user in the registration of and query for data and metadata sources.

Reporting Taxonomy
Supports the grouping of data flows and/or metadata flows and therefore the related data structure and metadata structure definitions. Such a grouping can be useful to describe the data and metadata structures involved in a reporting or dissemination environment, such as the content of a statistical yearbook.

REST Data Query
Supports the RESTful API for data as specified in section 4.4 of the SDMX Web Services Guidelines.

REST Schema Query
Supports the RESTful API for xml schema as specified in section 4.5 of the SDMX Web Services Guidelines.

REST Structure Query
Supports the RESTful API for structural metdata as specified in section 4.3 of the SDMX Web Services Guidelines.

SDMX-EDI Syntax validation
This feature deals with the syntax validation data and data structure messages expressed in SDMX-EDI. SDMX-EDI does not support metadata structures (MSDs).

This feature deals with the syntax validation and transformation of data and data structure messages from SDMX-EDI to SDMX-ML 1.0. SDMX-EDI does not support metadata structures (MSDs).

This feature deals with the syntax validation and transformation of data and data structure messages from SDMX-EDI to SDMX-ML 2.0. SDMX-EDI does not support metadata structures (MSDs).

This feature deals with the syntax validation and transformation of data and data structure messages from SDMX-EDI to SDMX-ML 2.1. SDMX-EDI does not support metadata structures (MSDs).

SDMX input/output modules
A specific input and/or output module for a given statistical tools that allows to seamlessly import SDMX-ML formatted data into the tool for analysis or to export data from the tool in SDMX-ML.

SDMX-ML 1.0 Data Message Transformations
This feature deals with the transformation between different data message formats (eg generic, compact, utility) within SDMX-ML 1.0.

SDMX-ML 1.0 Syntax validation
This feature deals with the syntax validation data and data structure messages expressed in SDMX-ML 1.0.

This feature deals with the syntax validation and transformation of data and data structure messages from SDMX-ML 1.0 to SDMX-EDI. SDMX-EDI does not support metadata structures (MSDs).

SDMX-ML 1.0 to SDMX-ML 2.0
This feature deals with the syntax validation and transformation of data, data structure, metadata and metadata structure messages from SDMX-ML 1.0 to SDMX-ML 2.0.

SDMX 1.0 to SDMX 2.1
This feature deals with the syntax validation and transformation of data, data structure, metadata and metadata structure messages from SDMX-ML 1.0 to SDMX-ML 2.1.

SDMX-ML 2.0 Data Message Transformations
This feature deals with the transformation between different data message formats (eg generic, compact, utility) within SDMX-ML 2.0.

SDMX-ML 2.0 Syntax validation
This feature deals with the syntax validation data and data structure messages expressed in SDMX-ML 2.0.

This feature deals with the syntax validation and transformation of data and data structure messages from SDMX-ML 2.0 to SDMX-EDI. SDMX-EDI does not support metadata structures (MSDs).

SDMX-ML 2.0 to SDMX-ML 1.0
This feature deals with the syntax validation and transformation of data, data structure, metadata and metadata structure messages from SDMX-ML 2.0 to SDMX-ML 1.0.

SDMX 2.0 to SDMX 2.1
This feature deals with the syntax validation and transformation of data, data structure, metadata and metadata structure messages from SDMX-ML 2.0 to SDMX-ML 2.1.

SDMX 2.1 Data Message Transformation
This feature deals with the transformation between different data message formats (eg GenericData, StructureSpeicifcData, GenericTimeSeriesData and GStructureSpecificTimeseriesData) within SDMX-ML 2.1

SDMX-ML 2.1 Syntax validation
This feature deals with the syntax validation of data, data structure and metadata structure messages expressed in SDMX-ML 2.1

This feature deals with the syntax validation and transformation of data and data structure messages from SDMX-ML 2.1 to SDMX-EDI. SDMX-EDI does not support metadata structures (MSDs) and some other features of SDMX 2.1.

SDMX-ML 2.1 to SDMX-ML 1.0
This feature deals with the syntax validation and transformation of data, data structure, metadata and metadata structure messages from SDMX-ML 2.1 to SDMX-ML 1.0.

SDMX-ML 2.1 to SDMX-ML 2.0
This feature deals with the syntax validation and transformation of data, data structure, metadata and metadata structure messages from SDMX-ML 2.1 to SDMX-ML 2.0.

SDMX-ML x.x to non-SDMX formats (CSV etc.)
This feature deals with the transformation of data messages from any SDMX format to any non-SDMX format.

Structural Metadata GUI
Supports the user in the maintenance and viewing of structural metadata.

Structural Metadata Query Resolution
Used mainly in web dissemination systems this feature queries for structural metadata from multiple registries or metadata resources capable of responding to an SDMX-ML query message.

Structural Repository
Supports the SDMX Registry Interface for submission and query of structural metadata.

Structure Query
Supports queries for structural metadata where the web service is a non-registry service.

Structure Set
Defines the mapping between like structures such as codelist, concept sheme, data structure definition, metadata structure definition.

Subscription GUI
Supports the user in the maintenance and viewing of subscription metadata.

Supports the SDMX Registry Interface for subscription and notification.

Tabular Data visualisation
A valid SDMX data message is visualised as a table, eg in an HTML representation.

Utility Schema Generation
Generation of an XML schema file for an SDMX-ML utility message.