Name of the tool: SDMX Reference Infrastructure (SDMX-RI)
Owner: Eurostat
Description and main purpose of the software
The SDMX-Reference Infrastructure (SDMX-RI) is a set of pick-and-choose building blocks and tools that allow data to be exposed to the external world through access rights by using web services. Thus, it creates a universal framework for modern data provision – single exit point – an interlocutor to Eurostat’s Single Entry Point.
SDMX-RI enables the production and dissemination of SDMX data from existing reference/dissemination databases. It is composed of reusable building blocks that are designed to provide data and structural metadata based on mappings to each organisation’s dissemination data warehouse.
More information can be found on SDMX Info Space.
License: Free software license
Programming language(s): JAVA; .NET
Operating system(s): OS independent
Language(s): English