The heads of the statistics organisations sponsoring the Statistical Data and Metadata eXchange (SDMX) met on 14 June 2002 to agree on concrete projects that will advance their joint initiative. The institutions and their respective constituencies favour open and effective international cooperation in maintaining and if necessary developing new e-standards for their data exchanges. New standards should take advantage of the new web-based technologies and the expertise of those working on the business requirements and IT support for the collection, compilation, and dissemination of statistical information. Four projects, three of which bring ‘under the SDMX umbrella” work that is already ongoing in several institutions, have been proposed and agreed in online, and work on them is planned to move forward immediately.
- A practical case study on emerging e-standards for data exchange
- Maintaining and advancing existing standards for time series data exchange
- Creation of a common vocabulary for statistical metadata
- Development of a framework for metadata repositories