The Ownership Group for SDMX implementation for macro-economic statistics (SDMX-MES OG) mandated a technical sub-group to propose global Data Structure Defintions (DSDs) for the implementation of SDMX in SEEA. The sub-group on SDMX for SEEA is composed of representatives from Eurostat, FAO, OECD, UNECE, UNSD and UN Environment.The overall scope of the work has been defined to cover SEEA priority accounts as mandated by the UN Statistical Commission. For this project it was decided to conduct the content and technical reviews in parallel.
The SDMX Technical Working Group (TWG) has updated the
SDMX-JSON Data Exchange Format which is now made available for public review. This process will be open until
1 September 2018 (new deadline). Feedback is welcome before the deadline.
The new release 2.0 of the Validation and Transformation Language (VTL)
( introduces powerful features, supports custom extensions and facilitates the reuse of rules.
The SDMX-CSV Data Message is an SDMX data exchange format based on the RFC 4180. CSV is a widely used standardised and simple format to exchange data supported by many tools.
The "
Guidelines for Confidentiality and Embargo in SDMX" (version 2.0), the "
Guidelines for the Creation and Management of SDMX Code Lists" (version 3.0), and the code list "
Confidentiality Status" (version 1.2) have recently been updated and are now made available to SDMX implementers.