Public Review Announcement for Candidate Technical Standard for SDMX-JSON Structure and Referential Metadata Messages

The SDMX Technical Working Group (SDMX-TWG) has prepared a Candidate Technical Standard for SDMX-JSON Structure Message and a Candidate Technical Standard for SDMX-JSON Referential Metadata Message and submits them for public review. The public review is open until 30 April 2019. All feedback is welcome.

The SDMX-JSON standard is a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) based data exchange message format designed for and therefore responding to the main use case of data discovery and visualisation on the web. The proposed format is aligned also with the JSON API specification.

JSON is a widely used standardised lightweight data-interchange format. SDMX-JSON with a simple and dense but generic message format that supports different types of data structures will ease writing software for the web that easily consumes SDMX data resources. It should allow for an efficient client-server exchange, small message sizes and fast parsing. The format may be used in a wide variety of programming languages and application programs. Testing and development of the format has focused on JavaScript applications running in web browsers.

The SDMX-JSON message formats supports the SDMX 2.1 Information Model and work together with the SDMX 2.1 RESTful Web Services API.

Please send your comments to the SDMX Technical Working Group (SDMX-TWG) at or post issues to the Git repository. Concrete changes can also be proposed by forking the Github repository and sending pull requests.