The 10th Expert Group Meeting on Statistical Data and Metadata Exchange (SDMX) took place at the IMF (virtually) during January 25-28, 2021.
The goal of the Meeting was to help evolve the SDMX standard to respond to identified issues in existing data exchange and data sharing scenarios. The workshop offered an excellent occasion for SDMX experts in the community of official statistics agencies, central banks, and beyond to discuss and influence the further development of SDMX standards and various statistical guidelines related to SDMX.
The meeting was rich in content with 35 presentations covering six critical areas of the standard: (i) the new features of SDMX 3.0; (ii) SDMX use cases from countries and international organizations; (iii) a comparison of alternative modeling approaches; (iv) a stocktaking of existing and potential SDMX tools; (v) referential metadata models; (iv) and the relationship of SDMX with other international standards.
This was the latest in a series of biennial SDMX Expert meetings, and the workshop format of this meeting was open to anyone who was interested in learning about the technical discussions around the development of SDMX.
Summary report, program, and other documents are available on