1. SDMX 2.0 Complete Package

The links below allow for the download of all sections of Version 2.0 SDMX Technical Standards – first provided individually below, and at the end, as a complete .ZIP of all sections.

PDF file Section 01 Framework
Introduces the documents in the Version 2.0 package and provides requirements for conformance.

PDF file Section 02 Information Model: UML Conceptual Design
UML model and functional description, definition of classes, associations and attributes.

PDF file Section 03A SDMX-ML
Specifies and documents the XML formats for describing structure, data, metadata and interfaces to the registry.

PDF file Section 03B SDMX-ML
A .ZIP file containing XML schemas and sample documents.

PDF file Section 04 SDMX-EDI
Specifies and documents the EDIFACT format for describing structure and data. Includes samples.

PDF file Section 05 Registry Specification – Logical Interfaces
Provides the specification for the logical registry interfaces, including subscription/notification, registration/submission of data and metadata, and querying.

PDF file Section 06 Implementor’s Guide for SDMX Standards
Provides a high level explanation of the Information Model that will be useful for implementers, together with examples. Provides best practices and information for implementers wishing to work with both the XML and EDIFACT formats.

PDF file Section 07 Web Services Guidelines
Provides suggestions for the use of SDMX-ML formats in web services.

PDF file .ZIP File of all the SDMX Standards (Version 2.0)
ZIP file of all the above documents.


2. SDMX Standards Version 2.0 Comment and Disposition Logs

The links below allow for download of the Public and Project Team Disposition Logs relating to inputs concerning the earlier Version 2.0 draft documents.

PDF file Disposition Log of Public Comments
A table of public input and dispositions.

PDF file Disposition Log of Project Team Comments
A table of project team input and dispositions.

3. SDMX Standards Version 2.0 Developer’s Links

This page provides useful downloads for developers working with the Version 2.0 SDMX Standards. This includes .ZIP files of all schemas and samples,
one with documentation and one without. It also includes direct links to each of the schema files and sample files, for browsing or other use over the internet.

ZIP Files

PDF file ZIP File of All Schemas, Sample Files, and Documentation
This includes Section 03A SDMX-ML along with all of the schemas and sample.

PDF file ZIP File of All Schemas and Samples
This includes all of the schemas and samples for SDMX-ML.

Standard Schemas

PDF file SDMXMessage.xsd
This is the schema file used by all SDMX messages for describing the common header information.

PDF file SDMXCommon.xsd
This is the schema file providing some common type definitions used in other SDMX-ML schemas.

PDF file xml.xsd
This schema is included for convenience, as it is required by the SDMXCommon.xsd schema. It provides for the use of the xml:lang attribute.

PDF file SDMXStructure.xsd
This schema provides for SDMX-ML structural descriptions: agencies, codelists, concepts, metadata structure definitions, key families, structure sets, reporting taxonomies, hierarchical codelists, and processes.

PDF file SDMXRegistry.xsd
This schema provides for SDMX-ML registry interfaces for submitting, registering, and querying an SDMX registry, and for subscribing and notification of registry events.

PDF file SDMXGenericData.xsd
This schema provides a generic format for statistical data in a time-series presentation. It is not specific to the use of a specific key family.

PDF file SDMXGenericMetadata.xsd
This schema provides a generic format for reference metadata. It is not specific to the use of a specific metadata structure definition.

PDF file SDMXCompactData.xsd
This is a base schema which is extended by users into key-family-specific schemas owned by their creator, which are optimized for marking up large amounts of time-series data. (See Section 03A SDMX-ML for standard mappings from a key family to a key-family-specific schema).

PDF file SDMXUtilityData.xsd
This is a base schema which is extended by users into key-family-specific schemas owned by their creator, which are optimized for validation with a generic XML parser. (See Section 03A SDMX-ML for standard mappings from a key family to a key-family-specific schema).

PDF file SDMXCrossSectionalData.xsd
This is a base schema which is extended by users into key-family-specific schemas owned by their creator, which are optimized for marking up large amounts of cross-sectional data. (See Section 03A SDMX-ML for standard mappings from a key family to a key-family-specific schema).

PDF file SDMXMetadataReport.xsd
This is a base schema which is extended by users into metadata-structure-specific schemas owned by their creator. (See Section 03A SDMX-ML for standard mappings from a metadata structure definition to a metadata-structure-specific metadata report schema).

PDF file SDMXQuery.xsd
This is a schema for creating queries for SDMX-ML structures or data files.

Sample Key-Family-Specific Schemas

PDF file BIS_JOINT_DEBT_Compact.xsd
This is a sample Compact Data key-family-specific schema which aligns with the key family described in StructureSample.xml.

PDF file BIS_JOINT_DEBT_Utility.xsd
This is a sample Utility Data key-family-specific schema which aligns with the key family described in StructureSample.xml.

PDF file BIS_JOINT_DEBT_CrossSectional.xsd
This is a sample Cross-Sectional Data key-family-specific schema which aligns with the key family described in StructureSample.xml.

Sample Metadata-Structure-Specific Schemas

PDF file IMF_CONTACT_MetadataReport.xsd
This is a sample metadata-structure-specific metadata report which aligns with the metadata structure definition in ContactMDStructureSample.xml.

Sample XML Data Files

PDF file StructureSample.xml
This is a sample key family in SDMX-ML format.

PDF file GenericSample.xml
This is a sample of data marked up in the SDMX-ML Generic Data format. (It agrees with the key family in StructureSample.xml)

PDF file CompactSample.xml
This is a sample of data marked up in the SDMX-ML Compact Data format. (It agrees with the key family in StructureSample.xml)

PDF file UtilitySample.xml
This is a sample of data marked up in the SDMX-ML Utility Data format. (It agrees with the key family in StructureSample.xml)

PDF file CrossSectionalSample.xml
This is a sample of data marked up in the SDMX-ML Cross-Sectional Data format. (It agrees with the key family in StructureSample.xml)

Sample XML Query Files

PDF file QuerySample.xml
This is a sample of a query in SDMX-ML.

Sample XML Metadata Files

PDF file ContactMDStructureSample.xml
This is a sample of a reference metadata structure definition in SDMX-ML.

PDF file GenericMetadataSample.xml
This is a sample of a generic metadata instance in SDMX-ML, which agrees with the metadata structure definition in ContactMDStructureSample.xml.

PDF file GenericMetadataSample2.xml
This is another sample of a generic metadata instance in SDMX-ML, which agrees with the metadata structure definition in ContactMDStructureSample.xml.

PDF file MetadataReportSample.xml
This is a sample of a metadata-structure-specific metadata instance in SDMX-ML, which agrees with the metadata structure definition in ContactMDStructureSample.xml, and uses the generated schema IMF_CONTACT_MetadataReport.xsd.

Sample XML Registry Interfaces Files

PDF file SubmitRegistrationRequest.xml
This is an SDMX-ML instance showing a request document for the registration of a data set in an SDMX Registry.

PDF file SubmitRegistrationResponse.xml
This is an SDMX-ML instance showing the response to SubmitRegistrationRequest.xml.

PDF file QueryRegistrationRequest.xml
This is an SDMX-ML instance showing a request document for querying the data sets registered in an SDMX Registry.

PDF file QueryRegistrationResponse.xml
This is an SDMX-ML instance showing the response to QueryRegistrationRequest.xml.

PDF file SubmitProvisioningRequest.xml
This is an SDMX-ML instance showing a request document for the submission of provisioning metadata to an SDMX Registry.

PDF file SubmitProvisioningResponse.xml
This is an SDMX-ML instance showing the response to SubmitProvisioningRequest.xml.

PDF file QueryProvisioningRequest.xml
This is an SDMX-ML instance showing a request document for querying the provisioning metadata in an SDMX Registry.

PDF file QueryProvisioningResponse.xml
This is an SDMX-ML instance showing the response to QueryProvisioningRequest.xml.

PDF file SubmitStructureRequest.xml
This is an SDMX-ML instance showing a request document for the submission of structural metadata to an SDMX Registry.

PDF file SubmitStructureResponse.xml
This is an SDMX-ML instance showing the response to SubmitStructureRequest.xml.

PDF file QueryStructureRequest.xml
This is an SDMX-ML instance showing a request document for querying the structural metadata in an SDMX Registry.

PDF file QueryStructureResponse.xml
This is an SDMX-ML instance showing the response to QueryStructureRequest.xml.

PDF file SubmitSubscriptionRequest.xml
This is an SDMX-ML instance showing a request document for subscribing to notification of change events in an SDMX Registry.

PDF file SubmitSubscriptionResponse.xml
This is an SDMX-ML instance showing the response to SubmitSubscriptionRequest.xml.

PDF file NotifyRegistryEvent.xml
This is an SDMX-ML instance showing a notification by the registry of a change event, in SDMX-ML.