SDMX CONTENT-ORIENTED GUIDELINES (2009) are available following an extended public review period.
The SDMX Content-Oriented Guidelines recommend practices for creating interoperable data and metadata sets using SDMX technical standards. They are envisaged to be applicable generically across statistical subject-matter domains. The Guidelines focus on the harmonisation of specific concepts and terminology that are common to a large number of statistical domains. Such harmonisation is useful for achieving even more efficient exchange of comparable data and metadata and builds on the experience gained in implementations to date.
Content-Oriented Guidelines |
The Guidelines are supplemented by five annexes:
Additional information is provided in the following files:
- Mapping of SDMX Cross-Domain Conceptsto metadata frameworks at international organisations (IMF-Data Quality Assessment Framework, Eurostat-SDMX Metadata Structure and OECD-Metastore)
- Use of Cross-Domain Concepts in Data and Metadata Structure Definitions
- A Disposition Log of comments and suggestions directly received by the SDMX Secretariat.
Comments and suggestions for updating the Guidelines are always welcome and should be sent to the SDMX Secretariat at secretariat [at] using this form.