SDMX Matrix Generator is an Excel-based visual SDMX artefact authoring tool which generates SDMX artefacts for upload into an SDMX repository.
In order to harmonise and standardise the reporting and exchange framework for official labour statistics, a set of Global DSDs and related artefacts have been created by international organisations.
This paper was prepared in the context of the “making data usage easier, especially for policy use” priority agreed in the
SDMX 2020 agenda MORE>>
A new version of the
SDMX Istat Toolkit is now available. New functionalities were introduced to streamline the dissemination and reporting processes, and some bugs were corrected as well.
The SDMX VTL Task Force is launching a public consultation on the changes to the SDMX standard necessary for representing VTL (Validation and Tranformation Language)