This checklist is intended for the design and creation of new SDMX artefacts and the management of such a project. The main target audience is SDMX project managers and structural metadata artefact analysts/designers, though it may also be used for capacity building and to build technical knowledge methodically by referring to each phase's details. The checklist references many existing SDMX guidelines and standards material, and is meant as a useful portal to view the context of in which the various SDMX guidelines are used.
summary report of the 5th SDMX Global Conference - "SDMX in Action" – which took place in September 2015 in Bangkok (Thailand) – is now available.
A renewed strategic guidance, communicating high-level goals and key priorities of the seven sponsoring organisations for the coming years.
The new SDMX Glossary has just been released ! It contains concepts and related definitions that are useful for building and understanding data and metadata exchange arrangements based on SDMX. The Glossary provides definition of terms found in the SDMX Information Model, Data Structure Definitions (DSDs), and Metadata Structure Definitions (MSDs) at the time of the present release.
The Ownership Group for SDMX implementation in Macro-Economic Statistics is pleased to inform you that updated DSDs have been made available for Balance of Payments (BOP) and National Accounts (NA). This is an intermedia fast-track release for some minor additions to a few code lists for data exchange between international organisations, BOP reporting and minor corrections to some ESA visualisation templates. For more details, release notes and downloads, please consult the NA/GFS maintenance page or the BOP/FDI maintenance page.