SDMX-NA/BOP/FDI: new DSDs packages published

8 April 2014
The Ownership Group for SDMX implementation in Balance of Payments (BOP), Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and National Accounts (NA) is pleased to inform you that updated DSDs have been made available. MORE>>

Release of the SDMX Data Structure Definition for Balance of Payments data exchange

7 March 2014
1. Introduction The Steering Group for SDMX implementation in Balance of Payments is pleased to inform you that the inter-agency work on developing integrated SDMX data structure definitions (DSDs) for external sector statistics based on the latest international standards (the IMF Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual, Sixth Edition (BPM6) and the OECD Benchmark Definition of Foreign Direct Investment - 4th Edition), has been finalised and is now ready for release on 1 October 2013. MORE>>

SDMX-NA: updated Excel visualisation templates

31 January 2014
Following the release of the SDMX-NA package V1.1, the updated Excel visualisation templates have been published. Additionally a new version of the Eurostat SDMX Converter was released, which includes Excel as input format and was tested with the National Accounts Excel templates. The Excel2SDMX pilot converter is thus not anymore needed. MORE>>