SDMX for Macroeconomic Statistics: updated packages and data structure definitions (DSD)

8 January 2016
The Ownership Group for SDMX implementation in Macro-Economic Statistics is pleased to inform you that updated DSDs have been made available for Balance of Payments (BOP) and National Accounts (NA). This is an intermedia fast-track release for some minor additions to a few code lists for data exchange between international organisations, BOP reporting and minor corrections to some ESA visualisation templates. For more details, release notes and downloads, please consult the NA/GFS maintenance page or the BOP/FDI maintenance page. MORE>>


10 December 2015
The ECBstatsApp is a tablet application that provides access to the statistics in the ECB’s Statistical Data Warehouse on tablets running on iOS only (we stopped supporting the Android version since early March 2021). ECBstatsApp 2.0 is fully based on SDMX 2.1. MORE>>

Guidelines for Confidentiality and Embargo in SDMX

20 November 2015
The "Guidelines for Confidentiality and Embargo in SDMX" cover the confidentiality aspects in SDMX data exchange, including embargo scenarios. The aim is to provide a consistent and practical way to represent these aspects in SDMX artefacts in order to promote cross-domain consistency and harmonise methodology and processes. The paper presents the use case scenarios related to confidentiality and embargo. Based on the use cases, recommendations are provided on how to represent both elements in the SDMX model. MORE>>

Guidelines on the Versioning of SDMX Artefacts

20 November 2015
The “Guidelines on the Versioning of SDMX Artefacts” provide recommendations on how to version SDMX artefacts inspired by “semantic versioning”, i.e. a formal convention for specifying compatibility between the different versions of a “versionable” artefact (a SDMX artefact that has an associated version number). Versioning is central to SDMX because it guarantees the stability of references to SDMX artefacts. MORE>>