Launching the new SDMX 3.0 standard

8 November 2021
The SDMX Technical Working Group has been tasked by the international organisations sponsoring the SDMX standard (i.e., BIS, ECB, EUROSTAT, IMF, OECD, UN, World Bank) to release the new SDMX 3.0 Technical Specifications. MORE>>

Public Review for the SDMX 3.0 Technical Specifications

10 May 2021
The SDMX Technical Working Group has been tasked by the international organisations sponsoring the SDMX standard (i.e., BIS, ECB, EUROSTAT, IMF, OECD, UN, World Bank) to invite public comments on the candidate version SDMX 3.0 Technical Specifications. MORE>>

New Guideline on using SDMX Annotations

2 April 2021
A new Guideline on using SDMX Annotations is available to improve machine interactions through a controlled vocabulary for the Type property of the SDMX Annotation construct and a recommended usage for the other properties that will greatly improve the interoperability of Annotations between SDMX-compliant organisations. MORE>>