Implementation of SDMX for National Accounts

The Steering Group for SDMX implementation in National Accounts is pleased to inform you of the progress that has been made in relation to the implementation of common data structures for National Accounts, based on the latest international guidelines in National Accounts (SNA 2008 / ESA 2010).

The Steering Group consists of one National Accounts representative and one SDMX representative from each of the mandated organisations (ECB, Eurostat, OECD). A Technical Group was mandated consisting of National Accounts and SDMX experts.

To meet the go-live deadline in September 2014, the technical group was charged to develop a content-oriented package for a pilot implementation with data providers. It was decided to conduct the pilot in two phases. The first phase will start in December 2012 and consists of a content review by National Accounts experts. After one feedback loop of the content review, a technical review phase will be organised in 2013 with National Accounts and SDMX / IT experts. This gives data providers and international organisations around one year for testing and finetuning of the process and implementation.

Participants of various working groups involved in national accounts and/or of various working groups involved in data exchange and SDMX implementation will be invited by the Steering Group to be involved in the pilot phases.

For further information, please have a look at the project status update (which is published in regular intervals) and the pilot description document or contact the project coordinator directly.

For further information:

Pilot Description
Project Status Update (October 2012)

Contact: (project coordinator)